Why Are Roof Top Tents Becoming Popular?

RTT’s are unique because they provide people with a more convenient way to camp. Having a mattress and not sleeping on a bumpy ground is a game changer. I cannot overstate this enough, your back will truly thank you. Being elevated and having a higher point of view just offers a more exciting and fun experience.

You’re able to soak in the beauty of nature from a better vantage point than sitting on the ground. Naturally, it is easier to keep clean than a ground tent and less likely to tear on objects. RTT’s bring you some peace of mind, being elevated from critters and other animals is a huge plus.

This luxury, though pricey, provides many amenities, benefits, and fun that ground tents simply can’t. Plus they just look cool! Seeing a tent setup on top of a tricked out truck or SUV is truly a sight to see. It’s almost infectious when you see someone with a RTT on their rig, you’ll probably think to yourself “I have to get one of those..”

For a first time camper I wouldn’t suggest splurging on a roof top tent. However, after a season, if you find yourself truly immersed in the world of camping then by all means go for it. An underrated fact in my opinion is the cost savings on hotels. If you’re willing to “rough it” in your RTT rather paying for a hotel, the tent will be paid for in no time.

Camping is gaining popularity too

According to outdoorindustry.org, 40.5 million Americans went camping at least once in 2016. Compared to the United States population sitting at just over 300 million, that is a sizeable amount of people that went camping. The camping trend has been steadily rising over the years too.

In today’s world, we have more distractions than ever before. Camping has always been a great way to “escape” from the real world and unplug. In all honesty, camping can be quite a bit of work; from packing everything into the car, finding a good campground, and then setting up your tent. Not to mention tracking dirt and mud into your tent and attempting to clean it out before you head home. The process of camping may be a bit tedious, but once you’re finally situated and in the wilderness, your mind is truly clear.

Where did RTT’s originate?

RTT’s got their start all the way back during the 1930’s in Europe. If you search around on the internet you can find some nostalgic images of RTT’s mounted on classic cars. Some say the first known RTT was made in Italy. However, they have been popularized in Australia and Africa for many years. People have been over landing in these parts of the world for decades. Over landing is the act of self reliant travel to remote destinations where the main goal is simply about the journey.

While RTT’s have been in the American market for quite some time, they truly exploded onto the scene in recent years. This “fad” is here to stay as it has been a steadily growing market for the past five years. The rise in popularity is due to many factors such as convenience, comfort, and practicality.


Being spontaneous is fun! Not having a set plan and going with the flow brings a lot of unexpected memories and joy to people. Ground tents require a set camping location that needs to be level and free of rocks. With a RTT you can set up camp at pretty much anywhere.

Camping destinations and national parks can be hours and hours away from where you live. Having a long day driving in the car and then setting up camp isn’t the most glorious thing. With a RTT, you can stop halfway and throw your tent up in a parking lot if you want! Believe it or not there are plenty of people that do this due to inclement weather, traffic, or whatever else life throws at you.

Roof top tents are great for the adventurous souls that need spontaneity. After all, it’s about the journey not the destination!

When did the United States adopt the trend?

Some have argued that roof top tents are only a fad and won’t stick around long. Fads typically come and go quickly. RTTs gained steam in American popularity in the last five to ten years. As they continue to grow in popularity more and more RTT brands are rising. This is an indication that they will become a part of our camping culture here in America. And with good reason. 

Many buyers are elated with their purchase when put to use. They’re fun, practical, and something totally different that anything they’ve had before. Not to say RTTs don’t have any cons or limitations, but more times than not the benefits outway the negatives.

Are roof top tents worth buying?

It depends!

Whether or not a RTT is right for you comes down to many factors based upon your needs and lifestyle. I wrote an article that goes in depth listing topics to consider about roof top tents and if they are or aren’t right for you.


Roof top tents have gained popularity not due to a fad, but simply based off of demand. When people use them they see the value in these new and fun toys.

Just like camping isn’t for everybody, neither are roof top tents. But for the majority of campers out there, they love it! If you ever get the chance to look at or use one, you just might be surprised.

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